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Installation instructions


To install PENGoLINS, a list of dependencies have to be installed beforehand.

  1. Numpy and SciPy can be installed through pip3.

  2. Installation of FEniCS can be found here.

  3. IGA Python library tIGAr can be installed based on here.

  4. The Python module for isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shell ShNAPr is required.

  5. Leveraging geometry kernel requires pythonOCC, whose installation instruction can be found here.

  6. Geometry in benchmark problems are created using igakit, which can be installed using the following command
    pip3 install
  7. Running FSI analysis requires the variational multiscale incompressible Navier–Stokes toolkit VarMINT and Python module for coupling of fluids with immersed shells CouDALFISh.


First clone the GitHub repository and install it using pip3 on the top-level directory of the repository

git clone
pip3 install -e.