Nonlinear analysis of a slit annular plate
This demo performs geometrically nonlinear analysis of a slit annular plate. The plate is subjected to a vertical line force along one side of the slit, with a maximum magnitude of 0.8 per unit length. The other side of the slit is clamped. Full implementation of this demo can be found in this Python file. The slit annular plate geometry is shown in the following figure, where red lines indicate the non-matching intersections. Points A and B are the locations to measure vertical displacements and compare them with reference values, reported in Sze et al. Table 4.
Firstly, import necessary libraries, define material and geometric parameters. We use a stepping load that gradually increased to maximum force density to improve Newton iteration’s convergence. The solutions of current force density are the initial guess for the next load step.
from tIGAr.NURBS import *
from PENGoLINS.nonmatching_coupling import *
from PENGoLINS.igakit_utils import *
E = Constant(21e6)
nu = Constant(0.0)
h_th = Constant(0.03)
line_force = Constant(0.8) # N/m
p = 3 # NURBS degree
num_srfs = 4
num_el = 8
num_els = [num_el, num_el-1, num_el-2, num_el-1]
# Use the load stepping to improve convergence
load_step = 50
line_force_ratio = np.linspace(1/load_step, 1, load_step)
penalty_coefficient = 1.0e3
Define the functions to create igakit NURBS surfaces of the annulus sector and tIGAr extracted spline instances.
# Function to create slit annular plate surface geometry
def create_srf(num_el_r, num_el_alpha, p=3, Ri=6, Ro=10, angle_lim=[0,90]):
angle = (math.radians(angle_lim[0]), math.radians(angle_lim[1]))
Ci = circle(center=[0,0,0], radius=Ri, angle=angle)
Co = circle(center=[0,0,0], radius=Ro, angle=angle)
S = ruled(Ci,Co)
deg1, deg2 =
new_knots_r = np.linspace(0,1,num_el_r+1)[1:-1]
new_knots_alpha = np.linspace(0,1,num_el_alpha+1)[1:-1]
return S
# Function to create tIGAr extracted spline
def create_spline(srf, num_field=3, BCs=[0,0], fix_z_node=False):
spline_mesh = NURBSControlMesh(srf, useRect=False)
spline_generator = EqualOrderSpline(worldcomm, num_field, spline_mesh)
# Set Dirichlet boundary condition
for field in range(3):
scalar_spline = spline_generator.getScalarSpline(field)
parametric_direction = 0
for side in [0,1]:
# Clamped boundary
side_dofs = scalar_spline.getSideDofs(parametric_direction,
side, nLayers=2)
if BCs[side] == 1:
spline_generator.addZeroDofs(field, side_dofs)
quad_deg = 2*[0]
spline = ExtractedSpline(spline_generator, quad_deg)
return spline
Use the functions defined above to generate NURBS geometries and extracted splines for analysis.
nurbs_srfs = []
splines = []
BCs_list = [[0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,1]]
for i in range(num_srfs):
nurbs_srfs += [create_srf(num_els[i], num_els[i]*2,
splines += [create_spline(nurbs_srfs[-1], BCs=BCs_list[i])]
Now, we can initialize the non-matching problem with class NonMatchingCoupling
since the list of extracted splines is available.
problem = NonMatchingCoupling(splines, E, h_th, nu, comm=worldcomm)
Likewise, we need to compute the mapping_list
and mortar meshes’ parametric locations, which are manually defined in the benchmark problems but will be automatically computed in practical applications.
# Define ``mapping_list`` that contains the information of coupled
# NURBS patches, length of ``mapping_list`` is the number of
# intersections in the geometry.
mapping_list = [[0,1], [1,2], [2,3]]
num_mortar_mesh = len(mapping_list)
mortar_nels = []
mortar_mesh_locations = []
# Parametric locations of mortar mesh
v_mortar_locs = [np.array([[1., 0.], [1., 1.]]),
np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]])]
for i in range(num_mortar_mesh):
mortar_nels += [num_els[i]*2,]
# All (three) mortar meshes have same parametric locations
# in this demo
mortar_mesh_locations += [v_mortar_locs,]
We can then pass the above information to problem
to finish the setup of mortar meshes.
problem.mortar_meshes_setup(mapping_list, mortar_mesh_locations,
In this demo, a line force is applied to the free end of the slit annular plate. We have to mark this end before constructing source terms and PDE residuals. The free end on problem.splines[0]
is marked using its parametric location, where the first parametric coordinate is near 0.
# Apply load to the right end boundary
class loadBoundary(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return near(x[0], 0.0) and on_boundary
load_srf_ind = 0
left = loadBoundary()
spline_boundaries1 = MeshFunction("size_t",
problem.splines[load_srf_ind].mesh, 1)
left.mark(spline_boundaries1, 1)
Then formulate Kirchhoff–Love shell PDE residuals and pass them to problem
f = as_vector([Constant(0.), Constant(0.), Constant(0.)])
f0 = as_vector([Constant(0.), Constant(0.), Constant(0.)])
source_terms = []
for i in range(len(splines)):
source_terms += [inner(f0, problem.splines[i].rationalize(
source_terms[load_srf_ind] += inner(f,
residuals = []
for i in range(problem.num_splines):
residuals += [SVK_residual(problem.splines[i],
E, nu, h_th, source_terms[i]),]
We also create the empty pvd files to store solutions before the stepping load.
SAVE_PATH = "./"
u_file_names = []
u_files = []
F_file_names = []
F_files = []
for i in range(num_srfs):
u_file_names += [[],]
u_files += [[],]
F_file_names += [[],]
F_files += [[],]
for j in range(3):
u_file_names[i] += [SAVE_PATH+"results/"+"u"+str(i)
u_files[i] += [File(problem.comm, u_file_names[i][j]),]
F_file_names[i] += [SAVE_PATH+"results/"+"F"+str(i)
F_files[i] += [File(problem.comm, F_file_names[i][j]),]
if j == 2:
F_file_names[i] += [SAVE_PATH+"results/"+"F"
F_files[i] += [File(problem.comm, F_file_names[i][3]),]
Now, we can start the stepping loop and save the initial configuration.
WA_list = [] # List for vertical displacement at point A
WB_list = [] # List for vertical displacement at point B
for nonlinear_test_iter in range(load_step):
print("------------ Iteration:", nonlinear_test_iter, "-------------")
print("Line force density ratio:", line_force_ratio[nonlinear_test_iter])
# Save the initial undeformed state
if nonlinear_test_iter == 0:
for i in range(num_srfs):
soln_split = problem.spline_funcs[i].split()
for j in range(3):
u_files[i][j] << soln_split[j]
F_files[i][j] << problem.splines[i].cpFuncs[j]
if j == 2:
F_files[i][3] << problem.splines[i].cpFuncs[3]
Update the load values and continue the loop.
Solve the non-matching system as a nonlinear problem with relative a tolerance of 0.01 and maximum of 100 Newton’s iterations.
soln = problem.solve_nonlinear_nonmatching_problem(rtol=1e-2, max_it=100)
Finally, the solutions are saved into the pvd files and we print out the vertical displacements at points A and B inside the stepping loop.
for i in range(num_srfs):
soln_split = problem.spline_funcs[i].split()
for j in range(3):
u_files[i][j] << soln_split[j]
F_files[i][j] << problem.splines[i].cpFuncs[j]
if j == 2:
F_files[i][3] << problem.splines[i].cpFuncs[3]
xi_list = [array([0.0, 0.]), array([0.0, 1.])]
spline_ind = 0
for j in range(len(xi_list)):
xi = xi_list[j]
QoI_temp = problem.spline_funcs[spline_ind](xi)[2]\
if j == 0:
print("Vertical displacement for point A = {:8.6f}"\
WA_list += [QoI_temp,]
print("Vertical displacement for point B = {:8.6f}"\
WB_list += [QoI_temp,]
For verification, the referential vertical displacements from Sze et al. with maximum force density are 13.891 and 17.528 at points A and B, respectively. And the printed information of the above loop at the last step (maximum force density is applied) is:
Vertical displacement at point A = 13.834648
Vertical displacement at point B = 17.472605
The QoIs from this demo have good agreements with the reference. The deformed slit annular plate under maximum force density is shown below.